So Many People Can’t Be Wrong

The same ideas keep coming up and going around again time and time again.

I heard Dr Phil say, "Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, man can achieve".

Of course Napoleon Hill and Dale Carnegie had been shouting this idea for years.

Then imagine my surprise when Wikipedia attributed the same quote to Marcus Aurelius, in 4 BC!

My first real ‘understanding’ of this concept was in the Marlo Thomas produced TV Special "Free to Be… You and Me"

Between William wanting a doll, Rosie Grier telling me it was alright to cry and Atalantia being her own woman, I learned that I was indeed free to be me.

There is an old Yiddish proverb laments "If I do not be myself, who will do it for me?".

Even the Bard himself, William Shakespeare wrote "This above all, to thineownself be true and it follows therefore as surely as the night the day thou canst not be untrue to any man"

It is only when we live up to our own potential that we can achieve a deep lasting happiness.

Remember we are all Free To Be… You and Me!

For more information on the wonderful Free to Be… You And Me, check out the website,

1 comment:

  1. whew! I was beginning to think I would never have the choice to choose! Great start TC.

    Keep 'em comin'.

    You can bet if you dig down through the cuneiform tablets and papyrus and rice paper scrolls, there was more than likely some Greek or Egyptian or Chinese or Sumerian guy who even said it long before Aurelius. Maybe even some cave dweller named Og.

    Nothing new under the sun and the truth has always been there.
