I Vant To Suck Your Happiness

Buffy knew it, so did Blade and Bram.

There are vampires all around you and the scary thing is they are not afraid of sunlight and it’s impossible to avoid them.

Now, admittedly I am not talking about the Blood Sucking Vampires that all seem to love Snookie, I am talking about the scarier kind.

Scarier because you can't always tell when you are under attack!

You woke up in a great mood, your morning went better than you had planed, and then you meet Angie for lunch. By the time you get home from that lunch you where ready to crawl back into bed, pull the covers over you head and wait for the day to be over.


No matter what you have to tell Ronnie, he will find a way to show you that you are totally wrong and the situation is probably much worse than you realized.

Who are these people?


Vampires are the negative people in your life, the people who try the damndest to pull you down. They suck the Positive and Happiness right out of you.

 When these people are around, your happiness goals are almost impossible to focus on, and you are in danger of becoming infected and become a Vampire yourself!

Wooden stacks cannot help you here, well they can, but I think you may find it even harder to maintain your happiness in prison.

You need to make it a goal to get rid of these vampires. Avoid negative conversations and the people/vampires that are in your life.

It’s not always easy to weed these people out of ours lives, but we must try.

If you have to encounter them, pay as little attention to them as you can, until they are out of your life.

I have found it best to, in subtly way, get the Vampires to think it was their idea for you to exit their life. Or rather their undead evil Happiness sucking life.

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